Continuing Education Provider 


Key Strategy #1

Focus: Coaching instructors to become excellent communicators.  T-Tess Dimension 3.2 

Target: Observe, provide, and give feedback using best practices for Classroom Management.

Goal: Increase positive connection between parent, student, and teacher. Reduce the number of instructional disturbances, and office referrals.


Key Strategy #2

Focus: Coaching instructors to become organized to harness the day at hand. T-Tess Dimension 3.1 | 3.3

Target: Give feedback that yields excellent organization in an effort to create a positive classroom environment.

Goal: Increase utilization of instructional time. Reduce the amount of downtime that often leads to disruptive behavior. Be ready for every minute of the day and shift as needed!


Key Strategy #3

Focus: Coaching instructors to tailor a behavior plan.  T-Tess Dimension 3.2

Target: Establish, review, and maintain classroom behavior plan.

Goal: Reinforce classroom procedures, expectations, and discuss ways to be consistent in enacting the plan. Scheduled and unscheduled follow-up.