Upcoming Events
2024 August Events
Back to School Shout Out!
We are excited to continue to partner with campuses in Houston & Aldine ISD! Thank you Dr. Auguste for the invitation to support your 1st grade team. We look forward to impacting your campus this year.
Aldine S.H.I.N.E your continued partnership has unlocked doors for Associated teachers and we are glad to support!
2024 July Events
HCC & Verizon Summer
STEM Program
Digital Product Innovations - 3 D Printing
NASA Space Center Visit
I had an awesome time serving the 6th - 8th grade students for our two summer groups. It was great guiding and learning with them. Technology is still my love but teaching will always be my happy place! 🔭 👩🔬 🦾 💻
2024 June Events
Children Only Vendor
Pop-up EADO
Pop up Vendor space in the EADO area. We are along a very busy thoroughfare with lots of available shoppers. Come join us as we share your business with our community of customers!
Children-only event - Saturday, June 15 at 11 am
Event Highlights ⬇️
Commitment is necessary to reach any goal! I'm committed to supporting aspiring teachers left to make it on their own. Let's go! Study hall is in session!
Click the link to reserve and secure your spot.
Week 1 - Monday-Friday June 3 - 7th daily 6 pm
Week 2 - Monday-Friday June 10 - 14th daily 6 pm
Week 3 - Monday-Friday June 17 - 21 th daily 6 pm
2024 May Events
Jones ES - Aldine ISD
Thank you, Dr. Harvey and staff for all you do. This small token of love is from us and the Thrivent Action Team! ♥️
2024 March & April Events
Vendor Pop-up EADO
Pop up Vendor space in the EADO area. We are along a very busy thoroughfare with lots of available shoppers. Come join us as we share your business with our community of customers!
Click the link to reserve your spot and make your payment.
Children-only event - Sunday, June 16 at 11 am
Applications begin here ⬇️
Application Children's Business Fair
All other event dates - Registration Form & Payment ⬇️
2024 February Events
Valentine's Day Couple's Dinner & Baskets
Purchase your Valentine's Baskets and a great meal for your love!
The couples have spoken..."We're working, it's the middle of the week, and I just want to grab and go!" Well, we've got you covered! Order your plate today! Call or visit ttinnovate.com Delivery is available.
December Events 2023
Setting Goals That Help You Balance Work & Family
Practical reminders and techniques for those seeking balance and family time.
Why is balance important?
Goal-setting exercises.
Overcoming Obstacles
Time Management - Part I & II
Presenting to Breathe of Life Ministries - 7 Key Strategies for Time Management. How to be more effective in managing your time!
🗝️ Setting goals is a must to plan where I want to go.
🗝️ Seven strategies to adapt winning time management habits and routines.
January Events 2023
Tracking Your Budget - The Basics
Tamara Gipson is a Kiva Entrepreneur and the CEO of @TTInnovates whose mission is to teach, train, innovate and provide solutions for their customers.
How do they help their clients to be successful?
✅ Build their customers’ skill sets, confidence levels, and knowledge so they can win.
✅ Provide computer training over software such as Microsoft Office products, Google, Apple, etc.
✅ Design solutions with graphic designing and website creation and upkeep.
✅ Hosting, preparing and supporting small and large events.
✅ Technical support for in-person or virtual events.
✅ Assists teacher candidates to get fully certified through Ezer Foundation program.
December Events 2022
We are continuing this event for the month of December. The success was so overwhelming that we are bringing it back. Hope you will join us as we break down a competency and share tips.
How do you know what to study?
What are the best materials to use?
Suggestions for the pre-test...etc
Glad to partner with Build-a-Pizza to bring holiday cheer. So happy to participate in this Greenspoint community event. See you next time!
November Events 2022
Ezer Foundations Event
We're hosting a month of free Think it Through Thursday's meet-ups. Are you a teacher candidate? Studying and preparing for EC391, then come join us for a 45- minute intense study of EC391 & PPR160.
October Events 2022
We're celebrating Dyslexia awareness for the month of October! We'll choose a campus to brighten their day for their hard work in the area of Dyslexia. But our overall goal is to shed like on this brain-based reading disability that impairs a person's ability to read. We are in the fight! #goredfordyslexia #untileveryonecanread
September Events 2022
Worldwide Barrier Breaker - SHIFT 2022
September we are celebrating 2 days of Connecting, Inspiring, and Thriving with Worldwide Barrier Breaker https://wbbworldwide.com/ If you missed the SHIFT get ready for March 2023.
August Events 2022
Educating Yourself is Important
I committed to TTIS's growth by joining a great group of small business owners for a 10-week course through Baker's Ripley. It provided way more than the $1,000 Fan Favorite prize earned. #knowlegeiskey
July Events 2022
Our series of short talks continue but from Paris, France. Subscribe to our Youtube channel today! Don't miss a moment of our interaction and insight into our 2 year journey to become Government Ready!
Thank you Thrivent
Our latest project with Thrivent Action Teams & Boys & Girls Club of Greater Houston was awesome! July 2022
🎈 Extended🎈
We've extended our Summer Reading Challenge. With the help of Thrivent Action Team we've planning another event in our local area to advance our Reading Initiative! Thank you, Thrivent for your continued support to our community!
May Events 2022
We're so excited to support two classrooms' love of reading for our Summer Reading Challenge. We had the pleasure of assisting Tamara's Techbytes in 2021 and planned an event to continue the Reading Initiative! Thank you, Thrivent for your continued support to our community!